Research is a very challenging way to investigate any problem. There are five major sections to discuss any research. It starts with an introduction and expands to the literature review and methodology. After these sections, you have to discuss data analysis and then wrap the discussion with a conclusion. Each section has a particular role to play. In this article, we will keep our focus on the introduction and conclusion.
What is the Meaning of Introduction and Conclusion?
Introduction and conclusion are two main parts of any research. Without an introduction, it becomes challenging to put the foundation of your study. It is the introduction part that makes a flow in a discussion. In research work, it is very lame to assume that the reader is well aware of the discussion area. Sometimes, it happens that the topic of discussion is a top topic of that time. In such cases, a researcher feels confident about his assumption, still it is insane to skip the part of the introduction.
Research work comes under the category of academic writing. For working on academic writing, you need to work on its standards. For every researcher, it is compulsory to follow internationally designed writing standards. Otherwise, the work done on research would not get worth. For example, you have done fantastic research on a particular topic. Every step is perfect and practical to discuss. When writing about the whole research, your work will remain unapproved if you do not follow the designed standards. The standards of academic writing ensure the section of introduction and conclusion.
Similar to the introduction, a conclusion has a particular role in research work. Introduction is the start of the research, while the conclusion is the end of research work. For most researchers, introduction and conclusion are the two most difficult sections of research. Conclusion is about winding up the whole discussion. It is necessary to critically address every significant point of research. There should not be anything missing in this section. Therefore, hiring masters dissertation help services becomes necessary in this regard.
What is the Purpose of Introduction and Conclusion?
Introduction and conclusion both sections of research serve several purposes. In the case of the introduction, you can see a set of reasons to display its purpose. The very essential purpose of an introduction is to set the tone of research. It needs to be formal. In the introduction, you discuss the topic of research and its importance. This is the direct purpose of an introduction.
On the other hand, introduction is an indirect way to present the claim of the researcher and his persona. The interest of the researcher has defined a persona through an introduction. The second purpose of an introduction is the scope and limitation of the study. Every research aims to perform something definite. You have to present that aim in the introduction.
Another purpose of an introduction is to design the whole discussion in a specific context. In this way, it becomes easy to engage a reader by grasping his attention. If your introduction is not effective, your reader will skip reading. Most of the time, it happens that the reader only focuses on the introduction and conclusion. Based on the information provided in these two sections, he decides if it would be worthy of reading more.
The purpose of a conclusion is to bring the central idea or finding of the research under discussion. In this case, you have to justify how your argument is compelling and achieved through this research. If you remain unable to justify your argument, it will mark a question mark on your efforts. Furthermore, the conclusion serves to convince the reader with the final version of the study. Most of the fresh researchers take the conclusion as a summary of the whole study, but there is a great difference between summary and conclusion. Although there are some similarities in the summary and conclusion, still you cannot take both of these aspects as the same. Summary is about the concise statement, while conclusion is the final answer of the study.
What Should Be There In An Introduction Of Research?
It would not be wrong to say that writing an introduction is challenging. Irrespective of the topic of discussion, you have to follow a standard structure to write an introduction. Before writing an introduction, you must have a research question with you. Furthermore, there should be evidence to support your claim. By having these two pieces of information, you can have a good start.
So, start writing an introduction with a basic definition and background information about your topic. After that, state some examples relevant to the area of discussion. The purpose of the study is your goal to achieve. So, you have to be clear about it. Many fresh researchers think that purpose should be stated in explaining the body of research. Besides, there should not be anything vague in the part of the introduction. Every statement needs to be very clear and easy to understand. The last and most important thing related to the introduction is your claim’s evidence.
How Do You Write The Conclusion Of The Research?
The introduction and conclusion both need a well-designed way to address the start and end of research. There are different approaches to address the conclusion of the research.
First of all, try to identify the main points of research. It is better to note down these points, so the chances of skipping the primary aspect reduce significantly. Showcase the significant finding of research and try to fit them in a broader context.
In the introduction and conclusion, you have to work on a reader’s attention. So, in order to make your conclusion effectual, discuss the implementation of research in detail. The implementation can be for the present time, or it can be for the future only. This all depends on the research problem and its solution.
Final Thoughts
In this article, you can find everything related to the introduction and conclusion of any research. In this way, you can better understand why researchers focus on introduction and conclusion of any research.